Upton Place on Wisconsin Celebrates Topping Out
May 16, 2022

The Upton Place on Wisconsin project team celebrated a “topping out” milestone on Friday, May 13, when the project’s West building reached its highest constructed point of eight stories.
Donohoe Construction broke ground on the project in the first quarter of 2021, and the project will reach substantial completion by 2024. “We’re in month 17 of a 38-month schedule, so plenty of work still ahead,” said Alex Ackemann, Donohoe Construction’s Project Manager. “A topping out celebration is a nice way to pause and acknowledge all the hard work put in by so many to make reaching this project milestone possible.”
Developed by Donohoe Development and AIMCO, designed by SK+I Architecture, and built by Donohoe Construction, Upton Place on Wisconsin will bring 689 residential units and over 100,000 square feet of premier neighborhood-serving retail to northwest DC. This will include 455 apartment units in the six-story East tower, 234 apartment units in the eight-story West tower, and a total of 65 affordably priced units, designed with a top-of-the-market amenity package including a fitness center, three distinctive courtyards, rooftop entertainment space, outdoor cooking areas, two pools, co-working space, and various active social spaces for gathering and events. The project has a goal of LEED Silver certification and includes a restored 825-space below-grade parking garage and a 267-kilowatt solar power system.
Learn more at www.UptonPlaceDC.com.
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